Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Light Weight!!

Today I created my newest torturing tool for myself and my clients. I took an empty keg from my boys graduation party and cleaned it out. I took apart the tap and put some water in it. Talk about an unstable training tool.
An empty keg weighs 30lbs, and I can add up to 130lbs of water (you will be hard pressed to find someone who can clean and press 160lbs of an unstable object).
I made Term use it for clean and presses last night and it was probably weighing in at about 55lbs. The whole time you are performing these your core is firing in order to stabalize your body.
On Saturdays, I plan on adding a sandbag/keg/car push day into my training. Some of the movements that we will incorporate:

-Clean to Press
-Overhead Squat
-Overhead Walking Lunge
-Chest Throw
-Sumo Throw
-Overhead Throw
-Complex Training

(I stole the keg on the right when nobody was looking)

These type of movements are extremely beneficial, they tap into the high threshold motor units, improve static strength, strength endurance, aerobic/anaerobic capacity (depending on the exact movement), and give you a break from your monotonous regular training program. Plus, they are fun.

As for yesterdays training:

Training Session: Pull

Barbell Rows:3 sets
225lbs x 12
275lbs x 10
295lbs x 6

Cable Lat Pulldowns with Extended ROM: 3 sets(4-5 second eccentric with fast concentric)
110lbs x 12
110lbs x 9
110lbs x 8

Cybex Row supersetted with Reverse Flyes: 3 sets (4-5 second eccentric with fast concentric)
130lbs x 15, 35lbs x 12
190lbs x 8, 35lbs x 12
190lbs x 8, 35lbs x 12

High Pulls on Cable Row supersetted with Standing calf raises: 2 sets (slow eccentric, hold for 12 seconds in stretched position, and fast concentric was used for the calf raises)
50lbs x 12, 100lbs x 8
50lbs x 12, 100lbs x 7

Thats it for today, check back in tomorrow.

Be Easy,

Video of the Day:(Its long but well worth the watch)

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