Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pillars of Strength

Lets start today off with a simple fact. It is painful to walk, sit, stand, you name it. My legs are absolutely fried from Tuesday night still. It was one of those training sessions where you get in the zone and push further each set.

Tuesday Legs:

Squats: 4 sets
225lbs x 12
225lbs x 12
225lbs x 12
225lbs x 12

Hack Squats: 2 sets
140lbs x 10
140lbs x 10

Sissy Squats: 3 sets (Done on hack squat machine)
50lbs x 12
50lbs x 10

Free Motion Stiff Leg Deadlift supersetted with Seated Calf Raises: 3 sets (Calf raises were done with a 6-8 second eccentric/fast concentric)
200lbs x 12, 90lbs x 12
200lbs x 12, 90lbs x 10
200lbs x 12, 90lbs x 10

"Working Out"

You will never hear me use the term, "working out", to describe either my training sessions or my clients. We do not work out......we train. There is a distinct difference between these two in my mind.
Working out is for the guy sitting on the leg extension machine or bench press station, either reading a book or talking on his cell phone while doing his set.
Working out is for the lady who puts mascara on and does her hair for an hour before going to walk on the treadmill for an hour, god forbid she sweats.
These people do not have the mental focus or discipline to push themselves for results.
These are the same people who will come up to me with a perplexed look and ask me how they can lose weight or put on some more size. They expect a simple solution to their problem. They hope I will tell them about a magic pill they can take, or a machine that costs 3 easy payments of 19.99, to get the results they want to see. They dont like to hear that it takes hard training, focus, and sacrfice to meet their goals.
Its like when I go out and someone comes up to me, beer in hand, asking me how they can lose their beer gut. I used to try breaking everything down for its a quick answer I give, "Stop drinking beer."
So please, if you are here to "work out", cancel your membership, go walk around the block instead and save your money. You are getting in the way of people who are here to train. Oh ya, and please turn your cell phone off and get off that machine....we need it.

Video of the Day:

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