Thursday, August 28, 2008


Slept in a little today and it felt good. I needed it after last nights legs. It was one of those training sessions where I kind of blacked out and kept pushing harder and wanted to keep on going even when I knew my body had had enough.

Training Session: Legs


Sumo Deadlifts: 5x5
335lbs x 5
335lbs x 5
335lbs x 5
335lbs x 5
335lbs x 5

Partner Assisted Glute and Ham Raise: 3 sets (You get into a "praying" position on both knees, have your partner hold your feet down. Try to lean forward as far as you can without falling face first into the floor, give yourself a slight push back up, and use your hamstrings to fight back up all the way. These are crazy.)
BW x 7
BW x 8
BW x 8

Parking Lot Dumbbell Lunges: 2 sets
25lbs x 45 feet
25lbs x 45 feet

The Finisher: Incline Parking Lot Lunge: 1 set
25lbs x 150 feet (Thats no typo, I had to concentrate really hard on not puking after this set. My mouth was watering, you know that feeling.)

Seated Calf Raise: 3 Sets(Slow eccentric, 12 second pause in the full stretch position, and a quick concentric)
230lbs x 8
230lbs x 7
239lbs x 6

Video of the Day:

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