Thursday, October 23, 2008

Stress is the word of the week. I have been using it to fuel my training this whole week.
Yesterday was no exception. I decided to try deading heavy again and the stress began to fade away after each set. You get into a certain zone and nothing outside of the gym can bother you anymore. You got your headphones bumping and your mind is focused on nothing but pushing as much weight as you can.

Deads: 4 Sets
315lbs x 1
365lbs x 1
385lbs x 2
405lbs (fail)
405lbs x 1

Walking Dumbbell Lunges: 3 Sets
40lbers x 60 feet
40lbers x 60 feet
40lbers x 60 feet

Sissy Squats on the Hack Machine: 3 Sets
50lbs x 12
50lbs x 10
50lbs x 12

Free Motion Stiff Leg Deadlift: 1 Set
200lbs x 15

Glute and Ham Raise with Bodyweight: 2 Sets
BW x 6
BW x 6

Standing Calf Raises: 3 Sets (Done with a slow eccentric/12 second hold in the stretch position/fast concentric)
110lbs x 10
110lbs x 10
110lbs x 8

I played hockey three hours after the training. Legs are absolutely toast its just time to focus and get past these stressful times.

Video Of The Day:

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