Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Boston

Been slacking on the posts as of late. Ive been dragging ass the past week but have managed to push through the training/work etc.. I have been supersetting almost every body part, keeping the sessions short and intense. Keeping the compound movements heavy and then keeping constant tension on isolation movements to keep oxygen out of the muscle and increase localized IGF-1 release. I have been following the same rep tempo as before. Slow eccentric with a fast concentric to tap into the high threshold motor units and type II fibers which have the most growth potential.
On another note, I am starting a new job at the high school in a few weeks so I am anxious waiting for this new experience. Hopefully I dont get too many kids that were like my friends and I back when we went there.
I will post the video of the day like is the Big Shug video, "My Boston". I get a few quick cameo's in the background when its Terms verse. Check it out.

Legs last night:

Leg Press:3 Sets (Havent done these in a LONG time. Its not a functional movement.)
795lbs x 12
885lbs x 8
885lbs x 8

Free Motion SLDL supersetted with Leg Extensions: 3 Sets
200lbs x 14, 150lbs x 14
200lbs x 12, 150lbs x 13
200lbs x 12, 150lbs x 12

Walking Dumbbell Lunges: 3 Sets
30lbers x 60 feet
30lbers x 60 feet
30lbers x 60 feet

Standing Calf Raises: 3 Sets
120lbs x 12
120lbs x 13
120lbs x 12

Video Of The Day:

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