Monday, October 13, 2008

The Usual

The weekend went by way to quick, and now its back to work. At least for us people who didnt get Monday off.
Saturday I did my usual grocery shopping after I was done lifting at the local Market Basket. I was sipping my post workout shake while getting my weekly amount of eggs when a little, frail old lady comes up to me and says, "You should stop drinking steriods." She shook her head and walked away.
I didnt even know how to respond to it, I was kind of in awe. People can think what they would like.
After picking up the rest of the food, I made my way to the check out counter. I ALWAYS get weird looks when unloading my groceries.

-6 dozen eggs
-6 lbs of ground turkey
-4 bundles of asparagus
-2 lbs of thin and trim turkey
-Sack of red skin potatoes
-and then the stuff I am low on such as olive oil, crystal light, etc..

Anyways, behind me in line, the linebacker of a woman who looks like she spends most of her grocery bill in the twinkie aisle looks at me, sighs, rolls her eyes, and says, "You must be on that Atkins diet. What do you like work out 10 hours a day?"
I just nodded and smiled, trying to avoid conversation.
"Why dont you buy food that tastes good instead of suffering through that diet all the time?"
I just responded with "I have goals and I like the discipline it requires'"
What I would have liked to say...."I "suffer" through this diet because I have the motivation required to do so and everytime I see people like you pounding down your Big Mac's with the Super Sized Fries but watching their figure by ordering the Diet Coke, it fuels me even more. That protein shake that used to taste like SHIT now tastes alot better when I see people like you.
People think I am in the gym all day long working out. They are wrong. I train for an hour per day about 4-5 times per week. The rest of the results come from DIET. Its a lifestyle, and thats why it pisses me off when people assume I am taking certain "substances" or other short cuts to get to where I am.
Its hard work, and its a 24/7 type of lifestyle.
So to my old lady friend, and my new linebacker friend.....dont be pointing fingers or ridiculing people who work their ass off day in and day out. Realize the sacrifice needed.

Sunday morning training: Pull

Pull-Ups: 3 Sets
BW x 20
BW x 15
BW x 11

Seated Cable Row: 3 Sets (pronated grip and done with a slow eccentric/fast concentric rep tempo)
150lbs x 12
150lbs x 10
150lbs x 11

Barbell High Pull supersetted with Reverse Dumbbell Flyes: 3 Sets
185lbs x 15, 30lbs x 15
185lbs x 12, 30lbs x 12
185lbs x 12, 30lbs x 12

Busy night tonight. Few more clients, then training, then training Term. Get after it!!

Video Of The Day:

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