Thursday, September 18, 2008

Be Ea$y

Got my stitches out yesterday, and against the doctors wishes I went straight to the gym. I had a lot of pent up frustration that had been building up all day that I needed to release.
Felt great, and the training session capped off three days of intense lifting:

Training: Push

Free Motion Shoulder Press: 3 Sets(Slow eccentric/Fast concentric)
100lbs x 14
130lbs x 10
150lbs x 8

Free Motion Chest Press: 3 Sets(Slow eccentric/Fast concentric)
100lbs x 10
100lbs x 10
100lbs x 10

Dumbbell Side Laterals: 3 Sets(Performed in a triple drop set pattern)
30lbers x 10, 20lbers x 10, 10lbers x 10
30lbers x 10, 20lbers x 10, 10lbers x 10
30lbers x 10, 20lbers x 10, 10lbers x 10

Free Motion Chest Press: 3 Sets
100lbs x 12
100lbs x 12
100lbs x 10

Overhead Barbell Shrugs: 4 Sets
135lbs x 15
135lbs x 12
135lbs x 12
135lbs x 12

I also swung by the recording studio to chill with Term and Ea$y Money. Term was recording for his new album and I just shot the shit with Ea$y. He got some new ink on his back going from shoulder blade to shoulder blade: "I'M HIP HOP". It looked sick.
These guys are extremely dedicated and will all have their time to shine in the future. Ea$y is also ripped to shit, so I know he works hard on himself along with his music.

Video Of The Day:

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