Monday, September 15, 2008

Gettin There

I have only trained once in the past five days. I had to get some scar tissue removed on my head due to past hockey injuries so I was advised to take it easy for a few days.
I ended up training arms on Saturday and I felt excellent. Strength was up and I had that "blackout" kind of feeling when you are in the midst of a set and you no longer feel pain, so you keep pushing.
Arms have been stagnant as of late, so Ive been incorporating tri-sets. Remember, keeping oxygen out of the muscle builds up lactic acid production, which in turn increases localized IGF-1 release. So lets get it:

Training: Arms


EZ Bar Skull Crushers into Bodyweight Extensions into Behind the back Pressdowns (done on a hammer strength leg curl machine): 3 sets
100lbs x 12, BW x 10, 180lbs x 12
100lbs x 10, BW x 10, 180lbs x 13
100lbs x 10, BW x 10, 180lbs x 14

Preacher Curls into Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curls into Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3 sets
65lbs x 12, 50lbs x 12, 25lbers x 7
65lbs x 12, 50lbs x 10, 25lbers x 6
65lbs x 12, 50lbs x 10, 25lbers x 6
Preachers were done with a 3-4 second eccentric followed with a fast concentric.

We finished it off with some direct forearm work: Wrist Curls on the lat pulldown machine supersetted with 10lb plate wrist extensions.

Sunday was used as a refeed day. I am allowed my cheat meal (a pizza) and then I try to eat as many clean calories as possible. Gotta get bigger! And to top it off, the Pats pulled off a win without Brady.

Video of the Day:

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