Wednesday, September 24, 2008



Just as I expected last night, I really beat myself up. I got into the zone and just kept pushing each set further. My legs are toast today.
When the anxiety is high, its time to crank up the mp3 player, get the straps on, and push some weight. Its hard to be stressed out after a set of deadlifts when all you can see is stars and the only sound you hear is a ringing noise inside your head.

Training Session: Legs

Sumo Stance Deadlifts: 5 x 5
355lbs x 5
355lbs x 5
355lbs x 5
355lbs x 5
355lbs x 5

Sissy Squats on the Hack Machine: 3 Sets(45 second breaks)
25lbs x 10
25lbs x 10
25lbs x 12

Walking Lunges: 2 Sets
35lbers x 45 feet
35lbers x 45 feet

Leg Extensions: 3 Sets(30 second rest periods)
160lbs x 18
160lbs x 12
160lbs x 14

Standing Calf Raises supersetted with Bodyweight Calf Raises: 3 Sets
(Standing calf raises: slow eccentric, 12 second stretch, fast concentric)
110lbs x 8, then BW x 40
110lbs x 4, then BW x 40
110lbs x 3, then BW x 40

Tonight is shoulders, chest, and traps. Then I have two days off which are going to go towards DE-STRESSING.

Keep pushin weight,


Video Of The Day:

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